124 Customizing the Printer Chapter 8
BJ Mode
When the printer is in BJ mode, you use the FUNCTION settings to control
the printer:
Function Description OFF ON
1 Horizontal print Letter size or A4 size
position envelope
2 Page length 11 inches 12 inches
3 Text scale mode Disabled Enabled
4-5 Top margin See following descriptions
6 Smoothing mode 360 dpi 720 dpi
7 Automatic power Disabled Enabled
off mode
8 Font typeface Disabled Enabled
lock mode
9 Inpu
ownload 35 K
KB 3 K
2 KB
10 Automatic line Carriage return CR with LF
feed (LF) (CR) only
11 Automatic carriage Line feed LF with CR
return (CR) (LF) only
12 Alternate Graphics Disabled Enabled
Mode (AGM)
13 Not used
14 Character set Set 1 Set 2
15-18 Code page See following descriptions
19 Automatic Disabled Enabled
emulation switching
1A Low ink warning Disabled Enabled
FUNCTION 1: Horizontal print position
Use this FUNCTION setting to change the horizontal print position
according to the size of your paper. If you are using letter-size paper or
envelopes, set this FUNCTION to OFF; the left margin will be 0.25 inch
(6.4 mm). If you are using A4-size paper, set this FUNCTION to ON; the
left margin will be 0.13 inch (3.4 mm).
FUNCTION 2: Page length
If you are using letter-size paper, set this FUNCTION to OFF; this sets the
page length to 11 inches. If you are using A4-size paper, set this
FUNCTION to ON; this sets the page length to 12 inches.