Security Levels
Issue 1 July 2006 61
Tip: The Web management passwords are the same as those of the CLI. If you
change the passwords of the CLI then those passwords become active for Web
management as well.
Entering the Supervisor Level
The Supervisor level is the level in which you first enter C360 CLI and establish user names for
up to 10 local users. When you enter the Supervisor level, you are asked for a Login name.
Type root as the Login name and the default password root (in lowercase letters):
Defining new local users
Define new users and access levels using the following command in Supervisor Level:
Exiting the Supervisor Level
To exit the Supervisor level, use the exit CLI command.
Welcome to C360
Login: root
Password accepted.
Table 13: Local User CLI Commands
In order to... Use the following command...
Add a local user account and
configure a user (name,
password and access level)
To remove a local user account no username
Display the username and
access type for all users on the
show username