Issue 1 July 2006 95
Chapter 7: Switch Configuration
This chapter describes the parameters you can define, such as its name and location, time
parameters, and so on. In addition, this chapter describes methods for saving and deploying
device configurations and monitoring CPU utilization.
This chapter contains the following sections:
● Basic Switch Configuration
● Uploading and Downloading Device Configurations and Images
● SCP Protocol Support
● System Logging
● Telnet Client Support
● Monitoring CPU Utilization
Basic Switch Configuration
Use the CLI commands briefly described below for configuring the display on your terminal or
workstation.The rules of syntax and output examples are all set out in detail in the Reference
Guide for the Avaya C360 Converged Stackable Switch, 10-300506.
Table 23: Basic Switch Configuration CLI Commands 1 of 2
In order to... Use the following command...
Open a CLI session to an entity
in the stack
Display or set the terminal width
(in characters)
terminal width
Display or set the terminal
length (in lines)
terminal length
Display or set the prompt hostname
1 of 2