Establishing Switch Access
84 Installation and Configuration Guide Avaya C360 Multilayer Stackable Switches, version 4.5
Allowed Managers
Allowed Managers Introduction
With the Allowed Managers feature, the network manager can determine who may or may not
gain management access to the switch. The feature can be enabled or disabled (default is
disabled). When enabled, only those stations that are configured in the Allowed Managers table
are able to gain Telnet, HTTP, and SNMP management access to the switch.
You can configure up to 20 Allowed Managers by adding or removing their IP address from the
Allowed Managers List.
Tip: The identification of an "Allowed Manager" is done by checking the Source
IP address of the packets. Thus, if the Source IP address is modified on the way
(NAT, Proxy, etc.), even an "Allowed Manager" will not be able to access the
Allowed Managers CLI Commands
The following Allowed Managers commands are available.
Table 19: Allowed Managers CLI Commands 1 of 2
In order to... Use the following command...
When set to enabled - only
managers with IP address
specified in the allowed table will
be able to access the device
set allowed managers
Add/delete IP address of
manager to/from the allowed
set allowed managers ip
Show the IP addresses of the
managers that are allowed to
access the device
show allowed managers table
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