
FAX-L1000 Chapter 4: Maintenance and Service
No. Tx or Rx Definition
#0995 [ TX/RX ] The image data stored in memory have been cleared
c-2) Service error codes
• G3 mode error codes
No. Tx or Rx Definition
##0100 [ TX ] Excessive repeat protocol during transmission
##0101 [ TX/RX ] Modem speed different from other party
##0102 [ TX ] Fall back failure during transmission
##0103 [ RX ] Fail to detect EOL for 5 seconds (15 seconds for CBT)
during reception
##0104 [ TX ] RTN or PIN received during transmission
##0106 [ RX ] Fail to receive protocol for 6 seconds when waiting for
protocol during reception
##0107 [ RX ] Fall back failure on transmission side during reception
##0109 [ TX ] Receive signals other than DIS, DTC, FTT, CFR or
CRP after DCS Tx and exceed the number of protocol
re-transmissions during transmission
##0111 [ TX/RX ] Memory error
##0114 [ RX ] RTN transmission during reception
##0116 [ TX/RX ] Detect loop current disconnection during
##0200 [ RX ] Fail to detect picture reception carrier for 5 seconds
during reception
##0201 [ TX/RX ] DCN reception other than normal binary protocol
##0223 [ TX ] Line disconnected during communication
##0224 [ TX/RX ] Abnormal protocol during G3 communication
##0229 [ RX ] Recording unit locked for 1 minute
##0232 [ TX ] ENCODE control unit malfunction
##0237 [ RX ] DECODE control unit malfunction
##0238 [ RX ] PRINT control unit malfunction
##0261 [ TX/RX ] System error between MODEM and SCNT
##0280 [ TX ] Excessive repeat protocol command during transmission
##0281 [ TX ] Excessive repeat protocol command during transmission
##0282 [ TX ] Excessive repeat protocol during transmission
##0283 [ TX ] Excessive repeat protocol during transmission
##0284 [ TX ] DCN reception after TCF transmission
##0285 [ TX ] DCN reception after EOP transmission
##0286 [ TX ] DCN reception after EOM transmission
##0287 [ TX ] DCN reception after MPS transmission
##0288 [ TX ] Receive signals other than PIN, PIP, MCF, RTP or RTN
after EOP transmission
##0289 [ TX ] Receive signals other than PIN, PIP, MCF, RTP or RTN
after EOM transmission