FAX-L1000 Chapter 5: Appendix
ISDN BASIC Bitswitch SW08
Bit Function 1 0
0 Not used
1 Not used
2 Outgoing G3 call HLC Don’t Add Add
3 Not used
4 enforced G4/G3 fallback Yes No
5 Calling Party Number coding TON: National Number TON: Unknown
change NPI: National Number- NPI: Unknown
ing Plan/ISDN
6 Called Party Number coding TON: National Number TON: Unknown
change NPI: National Number- NPI: Unknown
ing Plan/ISDN
7 Connected Number coding TON: National Number TON: Unknown
change NPI: National Number- NPI: Unknown
ing Plan/ISDN
[Bit 2]
For outgoing G3 calls, the HLC (High Layer Compatibility) information element in the
SETUP message can be set to “Add” or “Don't Add.” If the HLC (High Layer
Compatibility) information element in the SETUP message is set to “Add,” the SETUP
message may not be received, depending on the switching equipment. In such cases, set to
“Don't Add.” This setting is available when ISDN BASIC Bitswitch SW06 Bit7 under the
#4C ISDN menu is set to "0."
[Bit 4]
For outgoing G4 calls, if an error occurs in B-channel communications after normal D-
channel connection, it is possible to choose whether or not to enforce a fallback to G3. For
example, in cases such as where an outgoing G4 call is made to a G3 machine and the
network returns a CONNECT message in response to the SETUP message sent by the
calling machine, set to “Ye s.” If “Yes ” is selected, ISDN BASIC Bitswitch SW03 Bit6
settings under the #4C ISDN BASIC menu are available.
[Bit 5]
It is possible to switch between the “Type of Number” (TON) coding and “Numbering Plan
Identification” (NPI) coding of the Calling Party Number information element, which is
included in the SETUP message.
[Bit 6]
It is possible to switch between the “Type of Number” (TON) coding and “Numbering Plan
Identification” (NPI) coding of the Called Party Number information element, which is
included in the SETUP message.
[Bit 7]
It is possible to switch between the “Type of Number” (TON) coding and “Numbering Plan
Identification” (NPI) coding of the Connected Number information element, which is
included in the CONNECT message.