FAX-L1000 Chapter 5: Appendix
Layer 5 (Continue)
Message Description Remark
CDCL Command Document Indicates the function of the sending side
Capability List (page size, resolution).
RDCLP Response Document Indicates the function of the receiving side
Capability List Positive (page size, resolution).
CDR Command Document Sent when the document procedure on the
Resynchronize sending side is halted.
RDRP Response Document Reply for CDR.
Resynchronize Positive
CDD Command Document Sent when the document procedure on the
Discard sending side is halted.
RDDP Response Document Reply for CDD.
Discard Positive
RDGR Response Document Sent when a document procedure error is
General Reject discovered on the receiving side.
CDUI Command Document User Indicates that there is data from layer 6 and
Information higher (MMR).
Layer 6
Message Description
P-START Added to the front of the image data (page) as that page’s attribute (paper,
size, resolution) parameter.
P-END Added to the end of the image data (page) for P-START.
PIX The image data header, or the image data (MMR).
The message names (P-START, P-END, and PIX) are terms only used within
Please note that recommendations for these message names are not being