Turbomachinery Package Specification Titan 250 Generator Set
For combustion, the gas turbine requires approximately one-fourth of the total air it
compresses. The excess air is mixed with the combustion products to reduce the gas
temperature at the turbine first stage-inlet. The cooling air also keeps metal temperatures
in the combustor and turbine assembly relatively low to ensure a long service life.
Figure 4. Typical Combustion Process
3.1.2 SoLoNOx Combustion System
The Titan 250 incorporates Solar’s proprietary SoLoNOx dry emissions system that
reduces pollution by limiting the formation of nitrous oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide
(CO), and unburned hydrocarbons (UHC). This system uses lean premix combustion to
lower the maximum flame temperature and reduce pollution formation. Solar’s
engineering staff will work with the customer to meet local permitting emission
Table 1. Titan 250 Gas Turbine Specifications
Type Axial Flow
Number of Stages 16
Compression Ratio 24:1
Flow (Nominal) 67.3 kg/sec (148 lb/sec)
Speed, Maximum 10,500 rpm
Combustion Chamber
Type Annular
Ignition Torch
Number of Fuel Injectors 14 (SoLoNOx, Low Emissions)
Gas Generator
Type Axial
Number of Stages 3
Power Turbine
Type Axial
Number of Stages 2
Speed 7000 rpm
Radial 5 Tilt Pad with Proximity Probes
2 Tilt Pad with Resistance Temperature Device
© 2008 Solar Turbines Incorporated. All rights reserved. TPS250GS/908 - Preliminary