Turbomachinery Package Specification Titan 250 Generator Set
armature and a three-phase, full-wave, diode-type bridge rectifier that rotates with the
armature. The pilot exciter is a PMG that rotates with the main generator rotor shaft. It
feeds the exciter field windings with excitation current and is controlled by the CGCM.
5.2.7 Bearing Lubrication System
The generator is supplied with a force-fed bearing lubrication system consisting of onskid
piping and a filter strainer. Oil is supplied from the package lube oil system.
Table 3. Generator and Associated Equipment Specifications
Approximate Weight
Generator (Typical Open Drip Proof) 45 000 kg (99,200 lb)
Construction Types
Open Drip Proof (OPD), Air Cooled Standard
Closed Air Circuit Water-to-Air Cooled (CACW) Optional
Closed Air Circuit, Air Cooled (CACA) Optional
Totally Enclosed Air-to-Air Cooled (TEAAC) Optional
Totally Enclosed Water Air Cooled (TEWAC) Optional
Optional Voltage Ratings See Note (a)
11,000, 12,470, or 13,800 VAC,
Frequency Ratings 50 or 60 Hz
Number of Poles 4
Number of Leads 6
Connection Wye
Stator Windings Form Wound
National Electrical Manufacturers Association
(NEMA) Class F
Temperature Rise See Note (b)
NEMA Class B,
Overload Capacity
-150% Rated Current for One Minute
-110% Rated Current for Two Hours
Overload Compliance NEMA
Short Circuit Capability 300% For 10 seconds
Rotor Balance To 125% of Rated Speed
Maximum Wave Form Deviation 10%
Maximum Harmonic Content 3%
Telephone Influence Factor (TIF)
Balanced 100
Residual 75
The combined generator, exciter, and regulator
efficiency at full load is nominally 97%.
Space Heater
Voltage 120, 220, 230, or 240 VAC
Frequency 50 or 60 Hz
Phase 1 Phase
Vibration Monitoring
Generator Bearing Driven End Displacement Probes, X and Y axis
Generator Bearing Exciter End Displacement Probes, X and Y axis
(a) Other voltages can be provided to meet specific customer requirements.
(b) A 80°C (144°F) temperature rise is based on the generator nameplate rating at 40°C (104°F)
and a power factor of 0.8 for continuous duty service.
© 2008 Solar Turbines Incorporated. All rights reserved. TPS250GS/908 - Preliminary