Cisco Transport Manager Release 6.0 User Guide
Chapter 3 Building the Network
3.5.2 Adding NEs
Note • For CTM to communicate with certain NE types, you must set the username and password that the
CTM server uses to establish a session with the NE. To enter user information, choose
Administration > Control Panel > Security Properties tab; then, enter the username and
password on the ONS 15216 EDFA2, ONS 15216 EDFA3, ONS 15216 OADM, ONS 15327,
ONS 15454, CRS-1, XR 12000, ONS 15454 SDH, ONS 155XX, ONS 15600 SDH, ONS 15600,
or ONS 158XX tab.
• Regardless of the actual size of the password, the Password and Confirm Password fields display
only a fixed-length string. The fixed-length string is 12 asterisks (*).
• For the ONS 15800, ONS 15801, and ONS 15808, a misconfigured password setting can affect
configuration, PM information collection, and CTM GateWay/TL1 services.
• For more information, see Configuring CTM Security Parameters, page 8-33. For NEs that
do not use SNMP, you can set the username and password in the NE Authentication tab of the
Domain Explorer. For more information, see 8.4.1 Setting NE Authentication, page 8-45.
Note • When adding more than one DCC-connected, CTC-based NE, add one NE to a subnetwork and
allow the other NEs to be automatically discovered and placed in the same subnetwork. When
moving NEs from one subnetwork to another, move all DCC-connected NEs to the same
subnetwork. Move the entire subnetwork instead of splitting DCC-connected NEs between
• Errors encountered while adding NEs are listed in the Error Log.
NE Service Level
Enter the password to use for CTM server-to-NE connections.
Description Enter a description of the NE.
Location Name Enter the NE geographic location.
Subnetwork ID
(not selectable if
automatic subnetwork
grouping is enabled)
Select the subnetwork ID associated with the NE.
Network Partition ID Select the network partition associated with the NE.
Group Properties Panel
Grouping Option for
Discovered NEs
Select a grouping option for the discovered NEs. The groupings are as follows:
• Group discovered NEs in the Discovered Network Elements group
• Group NEs with the NE that discovered them (Cisco default)
• Group NEs by subnet
Table 3-7 Field Descriptions for the Add New NE Wizard (continued)
Field Description