Cisco Transport Manager Release 6.0 User Guide
Chapter 3 Building the Network
3.6.6 Creating Links
Direction Specify whether the link is unidirectional or bidirectional. For the ONS 15501, ONS 15800, ONS 15801,
and ONS 15808, only unidirectional links are available.
Provision Type Specify the type of link provisioning. Values are:
• Manual—The link is manually provisioned.
• Patchcord—(Applicable only to links involving transponders and DWDM modules) The link is an
internode or intranode termination provisioned between homogeneous ports. A patchcord link
represents the connection between a line card and a transponder, or the connection between a
transponder and a DWDM card. Patchcord links can be provisioned by CTM or CTC users and are
maintained by the NEs.
Note Protection groups are not recognized when creating patchcord or manual links.
Cost Specify a numeric cost associated with the SONET or SDH layer link. The cost range is 0 to 999999. This
field applies only to links in the SONET or SDH layer between CTC-based NEs. For all other links, the
Cisco default value is 1024. All autodiscovered links have the Cisco default cost 1024.
Shared Risk
Link Groups
(SONET/SDH layer rates only) Enter a free-format string that represents the SRLG, or a group of links
that share a common risk. For example, a set of links that originate at a node share the node as the common
The Shared Risk Link Groups field supports up to 5 comma-separated values, with 32 characters per value.
Link Source Panel
Node Identify which NE serves as the source of the link.
Identify the physical slot, subslot (if applicable), and port in the source NE. For the ONS 15216, identify
the name of the PTP. For the ONS 15800, ONS 15801, and ONS 15808, identify the rack, subrack, slot,
and direction (east-to-west or west-to-east).
Note The card type is shown adjacent to the slot number; for example, “1 (OC3_8)” represents the
OC3_8 card in slot 1.
Note If the port name is available, it is shown adjacent to the port number.
PTP Value (Not Managed/Other Vendor and MDS 9000 NEs only) Specify the PTP value. Maximum length is 30
characters; minimum length is 1 character.
Name For the ONS 15501, ONS 15530, and ONS 15540, identify the PTP as a single name, which includes a port
type and slot number and might also include a subslot number and port number.
Link Destination Panel
Node This is a display-only field if you selected an NE as the destination of the link. If you selected a group as
the destination of the link, select from the pull-down menu a specific NE that will be the destination of the
Identify the physical slot, subslot (if applicable), and port in the destination NE. For the ONS 15216,
identify the name of the PTP. For the ONS 15800, ONS 15801, and ONS 15808, identify the rack, subrack,
slot, and direction (east-to-west or west-to-east).
Note The card type is shown adjacent to the slot number; for example, “1 (OC3_8)” represents the
OC3_8 card in slot 1.
Note If the port name is available, it is shown adjacent to the port number.
PTP Value (For Not Managed/Other Vendor and MDS 9000 only) Specify the PTP value. Maximum length is 30
characters; minimum length is 1 character.
Table 3-12 Field Descriptions for the Create Link Wizard (continued)
Field Description