Cisco Transport Manager Release 6.0 User Guide
Chapter 3 Building the Network
3.6.3 Viewing the Link Table
Is Link Valid Validity of the link. Values are Valid or Invalid. For autodiscovered links, the value is Valid if both
the terminating NEs are in service and the NEs are able to confirm the presence of the link. An
autodiscovered/manual link is invalid if (1) the DCC is disabled on either PTP; (2) either PTP is
placed Out of Service (OOS); (3) there is a fiber cut or transmitter/receiver failure; or (4) either NE
is marked OOS. For manual links, the value is Valid or Invalid.
The following rules apply to link validity:
• All invalid links are shown as gray in the Network Map.
• Valid links are shown in the Network Map with a color corresponding to alarm severity, with
green for no alarm, yellow for minor alarms, orange for major alarms, and red for critical
• Manual and unmanaged links can be valid or invalid.
• A link between an unmanaged NE and a managed NE can be valid or invalid. If the link is valid,
it is shown with the same color as the PTP alarm on the managed NE.
• The delete link operation is available for all links except for valid, autodiscovered links. You
can delete links of the following type:
Manual (valid and invalid)
Virtual (valid and invalid)
Unmanaged (valid and invalid)
Invalid autodiscovered
Link Connection Type Whether the link connection is inter-NE or intra-NE.
An inter-NE link represents an external fiber connection between PTPs on different NEs. An
intra-NE link represents a fiber connection between two PTPs on the same NE.
Link Protection Type Whether the link protection is unprotected, 1+1, 1+1 with Y-cable protection, 2-Fiber
BLSR/MS-SPRing, 4-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing, or Not Applicable.
For ONS 155xx NEs, protection types are Y-Cable/Line Card Protection, Trunk Protection, Splitter
Protection, or No Protection. The Y-Cable protection type also applies to ONS 15454 SONET and
ONS 15454 SDH NEs.
Used for Routing Whether the selected link is used for routing. Value is Yes or No.
Link Name Name of the selected link.
Link Description User-entered description of the selected link. If the user does not modify the <System Default>
string shown in the Create Link wizard, the description is a string built from the end point
Alarm Counts Total number of critical, major, minor, and warning alarms associated with the selected link.
Note This field does not apply to ONS 155xx NEs.
Link Cost Numeric cost associated with the selected link. The link cost is used while routing a circuit. The
lowest link cost is preferred in circuit routing. The Cisco default value is 1024. This attribute is
editable for manual links in the SONET or SDH layer.
Table 3-10 Field Descriptions for the Link Table (continued)
Field Description