show voice port
Voice over IP for the Cisco AS5800 41
Currently Processing Type of call currently being processed: none, voice, or fax.
Delay Duration Timing Maximum delay signal duration for delay dial signaling.
Delay Start Timing Timing of generation of delayed start signal from detection of incoming
Description Description of the voice port.
Dial Type Out-dialing type of the voice port.
Digit Duration Timing DTMF digit duration in milliseconds.
E&M Type Type of E&M interface.
Echo Cancel Coverage Echo cancel coverage for this port.
Echo Cancellation Whether or not echo cancellation is enabled for this port.
Hook Flash Duration Timing Maximum length of hook flash signal.
Hook Status Hook status of the FXO/FXS interface.
Impedance Configured terminating impedance for the E&M interface.
In Gain Amount of gain inserted at the receiver side of the interface.
In Seizure Incoming seizure state of the E&M interface.
Initial Time Out Amount of time the system waits for an initial input digit from the caller.
InterDigit Duration Timing DTMF interdigit duration in milliseconds.
InterDigit Pulse Duration Timing Pulse dialing interdigit timing in milliseconds.
Interdigit Time Out Amount of time the system waits for a subsequent input digit from the caller.
Maintenance Mode Maintenance mode of the voice port.
Maximum Playout Delay The amount of time before the Cisco MC3810 DSP starts to discard voice
packets from the DSP buffer.
Music On Hold Threshold Configured music-on-hold threshold value for this interface.
Noise Regeneration Whether or not background noise should be played to fill silent gaps if VAD is
Nominal Playout Delay The amount of time the Cisco MC3810 DSP waits before starting to play out
the voice packets from the DSP buffer.
Non-Linear Processing Whether or not non-linear processing is enabled for this port.
Number of signaling protocol errors Number of signaling protocol errors.
Operations State Operation state of the port.
Operation Type Operation of the E&M signal: two-wire or four-wire.
Out Attenuation Amount of attenuation inserted at the transmit side of the interface.
Out Seizure Outgoing seizure state of the E&M interface.
Port Port number for this interface associated with the voice interface card.
Pulse Rate Timing Pulse dialing rate in pulses per second (pps).
Region Tone Configured regional tone for this interface.
Ring Active Status Ring active indication.
Ring Cadence Configured ring cadence for this interface.
Ring Frequency Configured ring frequency for this interface.
Table 2 show voice port Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description