Command Reference
Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T
The following is sample output from the Cisco AS5800 for the show voice port command:
5800# show voice port 1/0/0:D
ISDN 1/0/0:D
Type of VoicePort is ISDN
Operation State is DORMANT
Administrative State is UP
No Interface Down Failure
Description is ""
Noise Regeneration is enabled
Non Linear Processing is enabled
Music On Hold Threshold is Set to -38 dBm
In Gain is Set to 0 dB
Out Attenuation is Set to 0 dB
Echo Cancellation is enabled
Echo Cancel Coverage is set to 16 ms
Connection Mode is normal
Connection Number is not set
Initial Time Out is set to 10 s
Interdigit Time Out is set to 10 s
Region Tone is set for US
Table 3 explains the fields in the sample output.
Ring Ground Status Ring ground indication.
Ringing Time Out Ringing time out duration.
Signal Type Type of signaling for a voice port: loop-start, ground-start, wink-start,
immediate, and delay-dial.
Slot Slot used in the voice interface card for this port.
Sub-unit Subunit used in the voice interface card for this port.
Tip Ground Status Tip ground indication.
Type of VoicePort Type of voice port: FXO, FXS, and E&M.
The Interface Down Failure Cause Text string describing why the interface is down,
Voice Activity Detection Whether Voice Activity Detection is enabled or disabled.
Wait Release Time Out The time that a voice port stays in the call-failure state while the Cisco
MC3810 sends a busy tone, reorder tone, or an out-of-service tone to the port.
Wink Duration Timing Maximum wink duration for wink start signaling.
Wink Wait Duration Timing Maximum wink wait duration for wink start signaling.
Table 3 show voice port Field Descriptions for the Cisco AS5800
Field Description
Type of VoicePort Indicates the voice port type.
Operational State Operational state of the voice port.
Administrative State Administrative state of the voice port.
Clear Wait Duration Timing Time of inactive seizure signal to declare call cleared.
Currently Processing Type of call currently being processed: none, voice, or fax.
Table 2 show voice port Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description