Adding & editing Media server configurations
Cisco TelePresence Content Server 4.1 printable online
points for the Main and Dual
video streams (they can be the
same publishing point, if
Use existing
Select this option if you have
created publishing points on the
streaming server that you wish
to use. Enter the name of the
existing publishing points for the
Main and Dual video streams.
If you are using a Two Videos layout there
must be two different publishing points to
stream one video stream off each. If you are
using Switching, Joined or Picture in Picture
layouts, you need to specify only one
publishing point, for Main.
Select to have the streaming
server request the stream from
the Content Server. A network
publishing point must be
created on the Windows Media
Streaming Server to use this
functionality. Enter the ports for
network pull of the Main and
Dual video streams — select
ports that are NOT being used
The ports used by the Content Server are
listed in Port Information.
generated by the Content
Select to supply your own URLs
for live streaming. Enter the
URLs for Main and Dual video
streams and choose whether
you wish the filename (in this
case the publishing point name)
to be appended to the alternate
Enter alternate live URLs if you have
selected network pull. You may also want to
use them in other situations.
Live multicast streaming settings
The HTTP port of the streaming
server. The port for the local
Content Server’s Windows
Media streaming server is 8080.
Create new using
settings from
Select to have the Content
Server to create new publishing
points using the settings from
existing publishing points. Enter
the name of the existing
publishing points for the Main
and Dual video streams (they
can be the same publishing
The default multicast enabled publishing
point on the Content Server is called
The destination multicast IP
address that the Content Server
will stream to. The range of
allowable IP addresses is from to
The multicast address you need
to enter depends on the
If you do not enter an address, the Content
Server uses the first two octets of the IP
address specified in the Destination
multicast IP address of the WMS Multicast
Data Writer properties of the multicast
publishing point, but it dynamically assigns
the last two octets; for example, if