Implementing Routing Policy on Cisco IOS XR Software
Information About Implementing Routing Policy
Cisco IOS XR Routing Configuration Guide
This set matches the same AS paths as the previously named set, but does not require the extra effort of
creating a named set separate from the policy that uses it.
A community-set holds community values for matching against the BGP community attribute. A
community is a 32-bit quantity. Integer community values must be split in half and expressed as two
unsigned decimal integers in the range from 0 to 65535, separated by a colon. Single 32-bit community
values are not allowed. The following is the named set form:
Named Set Form
community-set cset1
Inline Set Form
(12:34, 12:56, 12:78)
($as:34, $as:$tag1, 12:78, internet)
The inline form of a community-set also supports parameterization. Each 16-bit portion of the
community may be parameterized. See the “Parameterization” section on page RC-214 for more
RPL provides symbolic names for the standard well-known community values: internet is 0:0, no-export
is 65535:65281, no-advertise is 65535:65282, and local-as is 65535:65283.
RPL also provides a facility for using wildcards in community specifications. A wildcard is specified by
inserting an asterisk (*) in place of one of the 16-bit portions of the community specification; the
wildcard indicates that any value for that portion of the community matches. Thus, the following policy
matches all communities in which the autonomous system part of the community is 123:
community-set cset3
Every community set must contain at least one community value. Empty community sets are invalid and
are rejected.
An extended community-set is analogous to a community-set except that it contains extended
community values instead of regular community values. It also supports named forms and inline forms.
The following are syntactic examples:
Named Form
extcommunity-set extcomm-set1
SoO :4567:777