Implementing Static Routes on Cisco IOS XR Software
How to Implement Static Routes on Cisco IOS XR Software
Cisco IOS XR Routing Configuration Guide
Changing the Maximum Number of Allowable Static Routes
This task explains how to change the maximum number of allowable static routes.
The number of static routes that can be configured on a router for a given address family is limited by
default to 4000. The limit can be raised or lowered using the route maximum command. Note that if
you use the route maximum command to reduce the configured maximum allowed number of static
routes for a given address family below the number of static routes currently configured, the change is
rejected. In addition, understand the following behavior: If you commit a batch of routes that would,
when grouped, push the number of static routes configured above the maximum allowed, the first n
routes in the batch are accepted. The number previously configured is accepted, and the remainder are
rejected. The n argument is the difference between the maximum number allowed and number previously
1. configure
2. route maximum {ipv4 | ipv6} value
3. end