Configuring Firewall Rules to Control Inbound and Outbound Traffic
Cisco ISA500 Series Integrated Security Appliances Administration Guide 260
This section provides a configuration example about how to create a WAN-to-LAN
firewall rule to permit multicast traffic by using the predefined multicast address
STEP 1 Click Firewall > Access Control > ACL Rules.
STEP 2 Click Add to add a new firewall rule.
The Rule - Add/Edit window opens.
STEP 3 Enter the following information:
• Enable: Click On to enable the firewall rule.
• From Zone: Choose WAN as the source zone of traffic.
• To Zone: Choose LAN as the destination zone of traffic.
• Services: Choose ANY for this firewall rule.
• Source Address: Choose ANY as the source address.
• Destination Address: Choose the predefined multicast address called
“IPv4_Multicast” as the destination address.
• Schedule: Choose Always On for this firewall rule.
• Log: Click Off for this firewall rule. We recommend that you disable the Log
feature for a multicast firewall rule.
• Match Action: Choose Permit to allow access.
STEP 4 Click OK to save your settings.
STEP 5 Click Save to apply your settings.
Configuring Firewall Logging Settings
Perform the following steps to log the firewall events and view firewall logs:
STEP 1 Enable the Log feature for firewall rules. See Configuring a Firewall Rule,
page 257.
STEP 2 Go to the Device Management > Logs > Log Settings page to configure the log
settings. You must enable the Log feature, set the log buffer size, and specify the