Security Services
Configuring Anti-Virus
Cisco ISA500 Series Integrated Security Appliances Administration Guide 304
- To save Anti-Virus logs to the remote syslog server if you have a remote
syslog server support, you must enable the Log feature, specify the
Remote Log settings, and enable the Remote Log settings for the
Anti-Virus facility.
• Action: Specify the preventive action for different types of traffic when
viruses are detected. The following table lists all available actions for each
Protocol Action
HTTP None: No action is required when viruses are detected.
Notify: Send an alert message to the user when
viruses are detected in web pages or in files that the
user tries to access.
Notify + Drop Connection: Drop the connection and
send an alert message to the user when viruses are
detected in web pages or in files that the user tries to
Disable HTTP Resume: Optionally, check this box to
disable resuming web-based file transfer by using the
HTTP protocol when viruses are detected.
NOTE: If you choose Notify or Notify + Drop
Connection, go to the HTTP Notification page to
configure the notification message. See Configuring
HTTP Notification, page 307.
FTP None: No action is required when viruses are detected.
Drop Connection: Drop the connection when viruses
are detected.
Disable FTP Resume: Optionally, check this box to
disable resuming file transfer by using the FTP
protocol when viruses are detected.