Device Management
Cisco ISA500 Series Integrated Security Appliances Administration Guide 411
License Expiration
Sends an alert email a specified number of days before the security license
• days: Enter the number of days before the license expires to send the
alert email. The default value is 15 days.
• Send to Email Address: Enter the email address to receive the alert
To enable License Expiration Alert, you must complete the following tasks:
• Validate the security license on the security appliance in the Device
Management > License Management page. See Installing or Renewing
Security License, page 441.
• Configure the email server settings used to send the alert emails.
• Check License Expiration Alert in the Enable column, set the number of
days before the license expires to send the alert emails, and specify the
email address used to receive the alert emails.
Syslog Email Sends the syslogs on schedule to the specified email address for
troubleshooting purposes.
• Send to Email Address: Enter the email address to receive the syslog
To enable Syslog Email, you must complete the following tasks:
• Enable the Log feature and specify the subtitle in the syslog emails, the
severity level of syslogs that you want to send, and the schedule when
you want to send the syslogs in the Device Management > Logs > Log
Settings page. See Configuring Log Settings, page 444.
• Enable the Email Alert feature for the facilities in the Device Management
> Logs > Log Facilities page. The syslogs generated by the selected
facilities can be sent to the specified email address. See Configuring
Log Facilities, page 447.
• Configure the email server settings used to send the syslog messages.
• Check Syslog Email in the Enable column and specify the email address
used to receive the syslog messages.
Event Description