Configuring Group-to-Port
Cisco Small Business SG200 Series 8-port Smart Switch 135
Configuring MAC Address Group Port Membership
By default, packets destined to a multicast MAC address are flooded on all ports.
Ports might become members of a particular MAC address group dynamically
through the exchange of IGMP packets, or you can statically configure them as
To view details and configure the port members of a multicast group address:
STEP 1 Select an entry on the MAC Group Address page and click Details.
The page identifies the members of the multicast group address on every port.
STEP 2 Click Static to configure a port as a static member of the multicast MAC address.
Or click None to remove the port as a static member of the MAC Multicast
STEP 3 Click Apply and then click Close. Your changes are saved to the Running
Configuring Group-to-Port
The Group to Port page enables you to configure associations between VLANs
and multicast group MAC address on the switch. You can configure static
associations or they can be learned dynamically through IGMP or MLD snooping.
(see the IGMP Snooping page to configure the IGMP Group Membership interval)
The results can be displayed in the MAC Group Address Table.
To configure Group to Port:
STEP 1 Click Multicast > Group to Port in the navigation window.
STEP 2 Use the VLAN ID and MAC Group Address filters to display entries that match the
specified values:
• VLAN ID equals to—Select the VLAN ID to which multicast packets are
forwarded when they match the specified multicast MAC address.
• MAC Group Address equals to—Select the group MAC address that is
compared to an incoming packet destination MAC address.
STEP 3 Select the Filter.