Time Settings
Cisco Small Business SG200 Series 8-port Smart Switch 50
• Last Unicast Attempt Time—The time of the most recent attempt by the
switch to synchronize with an SNTP unicast server.
• Client Mode—The configured SNTP client mode (Unicast or Broadcast).
See the System Time to configure this mode.
• Server Maximum Entries—Maximum number of servers that you can
configure on the switch.
• Server Current Entries—Number of SNTP servers currently configured on
the system, as listed in the Unicast SNTP Servers Table.
• Broadcast Count—Number of SNTP broadcast packets that the switch has
received from SNTP servers.
Configuring SNTP Authentication
Use the SNTP Authentication page to configure encryption keys, which contain
the identifying information that the switch uses to authenticate to STNP servers.
You also use this page to enable the SNTP authentication service.
When you define SNTP servers that the switch can use, you specify whether a
server uses authentication and which authentication key it uses.
NOTE You must configure at least one trusted authentication key before you enable SNTP
authentication. Otherwise, the Failed to enable SNTP Authentication
message displays.
To configure an authentication key and enable this service:
STEP 1 Click Administration > Time Settings > SNTP Authentication in the navigation
The SNTP Authentication Table displays each currently configured authentication
key and whether the key is currently enabled for use as a trusted key.
STEP 2 Select Enable to require the switch to authenticate to an SNTP server before
synchronizing its time.
STEP 3 Click Apply. Your changes are saved to the Running Configuration.