Cisco Small Business SG200 Series 8-port Smart Switch 78
Configuring Port Mirroring
Use the port mirroring feature to send network traffic on a port copied to another
port for analysis by a network analyzer.
A mirroring session consists of a destination probe port and at least one source
port. A mirror copy of the traffic on the source port(s) being probed are
transmitted from the source port to the destination probe port. A network analyzer
can be connected to a destination probe port to analyze network traffic.
A port configured as a destination probe port acts as a mirroring port as long as
the session is operationally active. When the session is not active, the port
transmits and receives traffic based on the other configuration parameters.
NOTE When a port is configured as a probe port, the switch does not forward or receive
any traffic or respond to a ping.
To d i s p l ay t h e Port and VLAN Mirroring page, click Administration > Diagnostics
> Port Mirroring in the navigation window.
Four mirroring sessions are available for configuration and are disabled by default.
The Port Mirroring Session Table displays the following fields for each session:
• Session ID—A monitoring session ID number.
• Admin Mode—Indicates whether the port mirroring session is enabled or
• Destination Interface— To enable this feature, select it and choose the
port to where the traffic on the source port is mirrored to the destination
probe port.
• Source Interface—List of the source interfaces selected to participate in
this mirroring session.
The Port Mirroring Source Interface Table lists the source interfaces assigned to
each session. You can select Filter and select a Session ID to display data for only
one session.
To set up port mirroring, you first assign source interfaces to a session. Then, you
define a destination interface and enable the session. A session is operationally
active only when the source and destination interfaces are configured and the
administrative mode is enabled.