12 - 165 IP Telephony v1.0 Lab 2.1.1b Copyright © 2005, Cisco Systems, Inc.
r. Configure the EIGRP routing protocol by using the router eigrp 100 command to start an
EIGRP process with an autonomous system number of 100. Then enter the command network, which enables and advertises EIGRP updates on all interfaces.
CMERouterX(config)# router eigrp 100
(config-router)# network
s. Connect a straight-through cable between the Ethernet port on the router and port 1 on the
t. Verify connectivity by viewing the interfaces on the router.
CMERouterX# show ip interface brief
u. Is the Ethernet interface in a functional state?_______
If not, troubleshoot and resolve the problem. Do not proceed until the interface is up and up.
What is the status of the Status and Protocol states for the main Ethernet interface (not the
subinterfaces)? ____________________________________________________________
v. Save the router configuration.
Step 3 Erasing the CME Switch
Note: The configuration output used in the lab is produced from a 2950 switch. Any other switch or
IOS may produce different output. The following steps are to be executed on each model of switch
unless specifically instructed otherwise.
a. Connect a console cable to the switch and power on the switch.
b. Erase the switch VLAN database and startup-configuration file by using the delete
flash:vlan.dat, erase startup-config, and reload commands.
Switch# delete flash:vlan.dat
Delete filename [vlan.dat]? [Enter]
Delete flash:vlan.dat? [confirm] [Enter]
Switch# erase startup-config
Switch(config)# reload
Step 4 Examine the current switch configuration
a. Examine the running configuration file:
Switch# show running-config
b. How many Ethernet or Fast Ethernet interfaces does the switch have? _____________
c. What is the range of values shown for the VTY lines? _________________________
d. Examine the current contents of NVRAM as follows:
Switch# show startup-config
%% Non-volatile configuration memory is not present
Note that on some switches, the message does not appear.
e. If the switch gave the error message response, why does it appear?