41 - 165 IP Telephony v1.0 Lab 3.1.2 Copyright © 2005, Cisco Systems, Inc.
Note: The .tar file must match the IOS version on the CME router.
The file must be extracted and uploaded to the router Flash memory from a TFTP server. Copy
the .tar file into the appropriate TFTP server folder. From privileged mode, use the archive tar
/xtract tftp://tftp_server_ip_address/.tar_filename flash:. An example of this command is as
follows: archive tar /xtract tftp:// flash:.
For a 1760 router (on an older IOS): If these files are not there, the instructor must download
the IOS zip file and the Pxxx files are part of the zip file. For this model of router and this IOS,
upload any and all files that start with P003 from the downloaded file to the router Flash memory
using a TFTP server. An example of this command is copy tftp:P00303020214.bin flash:.
b. In the space provided, write down the firmware files present in flash memory that relate to IP
phones (the P003 files).
CMERouterX# show flash:
Step 4 Basic Phone Configuration
a. From global configuration mode, use the tftp-server flash:P003XXXX.XXX command to allow
the firmware files to be accessed through the TFTP server service running on the router. An
example of this command is as follows: tftp-server flash:P00303020214.bin
CMERouterX(config)# tftp-server flash:P003XXXXXXXX.XXX
Note: The filename typed after the flash: parameter is case-sensitive.
Repeat this command for all “P003” firmware files present in Flash memory.
b. From global configuration mode, enter telephony service mode.
CMERouterX(config)# telephony-service
c. To see the maximum allowable number of ephones (another name for IP phones) that this
system can use enter the command max-ephones ?.
d. In the space provided, write the maximum number of phones supported by the current router:
CMERouterX(config-telephony)# max-ephones ?
e. Set the maximum number of IP phones to two, as this will be sufficient for the classroom lab.
CMERouterX(config-telephony)# max-ephones 2
The max-dn command specifies the maximum number of directory numbers or virtual voice
ports supported by the router. The maximum number is IOS and platform-dependent. The
default number is zero.
To see the maximum allowable number of directory numbers that this system can use enter the
command max-dn ?.
CMERouterX(config-telephony)# max-dn ?
f. In the space provided, write the maximum number of directory numbers supported by the router
and IOS being used: