43 - 165 IP Telephony v1.0 Lab 3.1.2 Copyright © 2005, Cisco Systems, Inc.
j. Use the create cnf-files command to build XML configuration files that will be used by the
phones during the boot process.
CMERouterX(config-telephony)# create cnf-files
k. What message(s) did the router display when the create cnf-files command was entered?
l. The keepalive command sets the time interval (in seconds) between messages that are sent
from the phone to the CME router. The default is 30 seconds, which is normally adequate. If the
default is set to too large a value, it is possible that notification will be delayed when a system
goes down.
m. What is the maximum number of seconds that can be set using the keepalive command and
how long is this in hours?
n. Set the keepalive interval to 10 seconds.
CMERouterX(config-telephony)# keepalive 10
o. Use the show running-config | begin tele command to view the results of the manual
CMERouterX# show running-config | begin tele
p. Ephone-dn stands for Ethernet phone directory number. It represents a line that connects a
voice channel to a phone so that calls can be made. An ephone-dn has one or more extensions
or phone numbers associated with it to allow calls to be made. An ephone-dn is similar to a
phone line. Each ephone has a number to identify it during the configuration process.
The ephone-dn command creates one virtual voice port and one or more dial peers. This
command automates the process of associating dial peers. The number of ephone-dns that are
created corresponds to the number of simultaneous calls that can be made because each
ephone-dn represents one virtual voice port in the router. This means that if you want more than
one call to the same number to be answered simultaneously, multiple ephone-dns (virtual voice
ports) are needed.
There are two types of ephone-dns: single-line and dual-line. On the most basic level, the single-
line option has one phone number associated to it. A dual-line can have one or two numbers
associated with it. The single-line option should be used when phone buttons have a one-to-one
correspondence to the regular phone lines that come into a CME system. The dual-line option
allows making two call connections at the same time using one phone line button.
Ensure no IP phones are plugged into the switch.
From global configuration command, type ephone-dn 1 ?
q. What two options are available? __________________________________________________