The Event Scheduler allows you to schedule commands for execution at a specific time (events). Using the event
scheduler, you can schedule single events or recurring events that are executed at pre-defined time intervals.
Accessing the Event Scheduler
To schedule events, press the Event Scheduler Tab on the Tab Bar in Console.
Scheduling Events
Events must be scheduled and run on the local device. However, commands can be sent from events to other
devices in the site using Macros.
Use the following procedure to schedule events:
In the 1. Command Editor section of the screen, select command from the Command drop-down list.
The command description appears in the Command Description box, parameters appear next to the
Command drop-down list, and the valid values for each parameter appear in the Argument Description
The commands available for event scheduling include:
MACRO• –Executes a macro
PRESET• –Executes a preset
RESET• –Resets the specified device