Multichannel Control• : Multichannel Control is only available on amplifier channels. Each of the 4 amplifiers
can be assigned to one of two Multichannel groups. When amplifier channels are assigned to a Multichannel
group, Mute and Gain for the group are controlled from a single point.
NOTE: Mutiple PA Channel Selections cannot be applied to both groups simultaneously. If you assign
PA 1 and 3 to Multichannel Group1, those amplifiers cannot be assigned to Multichannel Group 2 without
removing them from the first group.
Volume• : Indicates the volume level assigned to the Multichannel Group
PA Channel Selection• : Each box represents a PA Channel. Check the box you wish to assign to the
corresponding Multichannel Group.
Mute• : Mutes the Multichannel Group
Enable Adaptive Volume• : When enabled the level of the PA Channel will adjust based on the Noise
Floor “heard” by the selected reference microphone. As the level of noise changes, the output level
adjusts according to the selected PA Gain to Ambient Change Ratio. For example, if the rate is set to 2:1
the amplifier level will adjust by 2 dB for every 1 dB in noise for increase. The gain applied is governed by
the Maximum Gain setting. Before any gain is applied the noise floor heard by the mic must be equal to or
greater than the Adaptive Gain setting.
For more information, refer to the Table of Contents for these related topics:
AEC (Auto Echo Cancellation)•
NC (Noise Cancellation)•
Configuration Mode•
Channel Tab•
Matrix Tab•
Processing Settings•
Fader Settings•