Converge/Converge Pro Device Types and Device IDs by model are as follows:
Model Device Type Device ID Range
880 1 0-B
TH20 2 0-F
840T 3 0-B
8i A 0-B
880T D 0-B
880TA H 0-B
SR 1212 G 0-B
SR 1212A I 0-B
This guide uses the following typographic conventions to describe Converge/Converge Pro serial command syntax:
Convention Description
<X> Parameters enclosed in < > indicate a mandatory parameter
[X] Parameters enclosed in [ ] indicate an optional parameter
1-8 Parameters separated by a ‘-‘ indicate a range of allowable values
4,7,9 Parameters separated by a ‘,’ indicate a list of allowable values
EREF Words in UPPERCASE bold indicate command text
Device Indicates the device type and device number on the Expansion Bus. It is
composed of a device type character and a device ID character.
The structure of serial commands is as follows:
# <Device Type> <Device ID> <Command> [Values] <Carriage Return>
# indicates the start of a command line, the Carriage Return terminates a command.
NOTE: Serial commands can be either UPPERCASE or lowercase. Return values are always in
UPPERCASE. In order for a command to be recognized by the RS-232 serial port, the
command must be terminated by a carriage return.
For example, a command to disable mute for Mic Input 5 on a Converge Pro 880 with a Device ID of 2 would have
the command line #12 MUTE 5 M 0.
In this command line, 1 = the Device Type for Converge 880, 2 = the Device ID for unit 2, MUTE = serial
command, 5 = the channel Value, M = the channel type Value for mic input channels, and 0 = the command
Value that turns mute off.
If an asterisk (*) is placed in the Device Type or Device ID fields, the command will apply to all units or all devices
respectively. For example, a command with a Device Type = 1 and a Device ID = * would apply the command to
all Converge 880 units. A command with a Device Type = * and a Device ID = 6 would apply the command to all
units with a Device ID of 6.