
Recording Your Name
You needto record yourname sothesystemcan informcallers theyare leaving
a message or being transferred to the correct person. By recording your name,
you will be included in the directory.
1. Log-on to your mailbox. The following display will appear:
2. Press Opts from the main menu and the options menu appears:
3. Press1on your telephonekeypad whilethe optionsmenu is active.The
following menu appears:
4. Press Rcrd to record your name. You may listen to your recording
(press Play) as many times as you like until you are satisfied with the
results. Press Exit to return to the options menu.
You can achieve the same results by using the voice prompts and your
telephone keypad as follows:
Press 1 to replay the message.
Press 2 to re-record the message.
Press 3 to delete the message.
Press # to exit to the options menu.
Main Menu
Msgs Send Opts
Options menu
Xfer Greet Exit
Name options
Play Rcrd Exit
Small Office & VVP User's Guide GCA70–347
12 – Small Office & VVP User's Guide