Recording Your Greeting
You can record up to ten greetings for your mailbox if your mailbox class of
service allows this feature. You may want to record at least two greetings. It
is not necessary to record any greeting at all, but it is more personal if your
callers hear a message from you in your voice. If you record more than one
greeting, you can select which greeting will be played. If you want to play a
different greeting, simply select which one:0 through 9.
1. Torecordyour greeting,log-ontoyourmailbox.Thefollowingdisplay
will appear:
2. Press Opts from the main menu and the options menu appears:
3. To record your greeting, press Greet from the options menu. The
following menu appears with play and swap choices.
Follow the instructions in the voice menu and enter your choices as
*To replay the greeting, press 1 (or Play).
*To re-record the greeting, press 2.
*To delete the greeting, press 3.
*To choose a new greeting, press 5 (or Swap).
To return to the options menu, press # (or Exit).
*Theseoperationswill promptyou toenteryourgreeting number(0ā9)
if your mailbox has been configured to allow multiple greetings.
Youmay listentoyourrecorded greetingandre-recorditasmanytimes
as you like until you are satisfied.
Main Menu
Msgs Send Opts
Greeting options
Play Swap Exit
Options menu
Xfer Greet Exit
GCA70ā347 Small Office & VVP User's Guide