Using Call Transfer
When a call is received by Versatile Voice Processing, the call is either
transferred to you at your desk and/or put in your mailbox if you are not
available. If you are going to be away from your desk for an extended period,
ordonot wishtobedisturbed,youcandivertthecallsfromyourdesktoanother
phone or directly to your mailbox so Versatile Voice Processing can take a
message. To block calls to your extension, press Xfer from the options menu,
then press OnOff.TheOnOff button toggles call blocking on and off. When
this feature is off, calls are automatically transferred to your mailbox. To send
your calls to another extension, or phone number, press Chng from the
message delivery options menu and enter the new number when prompted by
the voice menu. Consult your system administrator if you need additional
information on this feature.
1. Log-on to your mailbox.
2. Press Opts from the main menu for the options menu.
3. Press Xfer for the message delivery options menu.
4. Press Chng to change your call transfer number or OnOff to turn the
feature on or off. Press Exit to return to the Options menu.
You can achieve the same results by using the voice prompts and your
telephone keypad as follows:
Press 1 to change your call transfer number.
Press ✻ to turn the feature on or off.
Press # when you are satisfied with your choice.
Main Menu
Msgs Send Opts
Options menu
Xfer Greet Exit
hng OnOff Exit
Small Office & VVP User's Guide GCA70–347
16 – Small Office & VVP User's Guide