
21264/EV68A Hardware Reference Manual
Internal Processor Registers 5–27
Mbox IPRs
5.3.4 Dstream TB Invalidate All Process (ASM=0) Register DTB_IAP
The Dstream translation buffer invalidate all process (ASM=0) register (DTB_IAP) is a
write-only pseudo register. Write transactions to this register invalidate all DTB entries
in which the address space match (ASM) bit is clear.
5.3.5 Dstream TB Invalidate All Register – DTB_IA
The Dstream translation buffer invalidate all register (DTB_IA) is a write-only pseudo
register. Write transactions to this register invalidate all DTB entries and reset the DTB
not-last-used pointer to its initial state.
5.3.6 Dstream TB Invalidate Single Registers 0 and 1 – DTB_IS0,1
The Dstream translation buffer invalidate single registers (DTB_IS0 and DTB_IS1) are
write-only pseudo registers through which software may invalidate a single entry in the
DTB arrays. Writing a virtual page number to one of these registers invalidates any
DTB entry in the corresponding memory pipeline which meets one of the following cri-
The DTB entry’s virtual page number matches DTB_IS[47:13] and its ASN field
matches DTB_ASN[63:56].
The DTB entry’s virtual page number matches DTB_IS[47:13] and its ASM bit is
Figure 5–29 shows the Dstream translation buffer invalidate single registers.
Figure 5–29 Dstream Translation Buffer Invalidate Single Registers
ALT_MODE[1:0] [1:0] WO Alt_Mode:
ALT_MODE[1:0] Mode
00 Kernel
01 Executive
10 Supervisor
11 User
Table 5–17 DTB Alternate Processor Mode Register Fields Description (Continued)
Name Extent Type Description
63 4847 1312 0