
21264/EV68A Hardware Reference Manual
Error Detection and Error Handling 8–1
Error Detection and Error Handling
This chapter gives an overview of the 21264/EV68A error detection and error handling
mechanisms, and is organized as follows:
Data error correction code
Icache data or tag parity error
Dcache tag parity error
Dcache data correctable ECC error
Dcache store second error
Dcache duplicate tag parity error
Bcache tag parity error
Bcache data correctable ECC error
Memory/system port data correctable ECC error
Bcache data correctable ECC error on a probe
Double-bit fill errors
Error case summary
Table 8–1 summarizes the 21264/EV68A error detection.
Table 8–1 21264/EV68A Error Detection Mechanisms
Component Error Detection Mechanism
Bcache tag Parity protected.
Bcache data array Quadword-ECC protected.
Dcache tag array Parity protected.
Dcache duplicate tag array Parity protected.
Dcache data array Quadword-ECC protected, however this mode of operation is
only supported in systems that have ECC enabled on both the
system and Bcache ports.
Icache tag array Parity protected.
Icache data array Parity protected.
System port data bus Quadword-ECC protected.