21264/EV68A Hardware Reference Manual
This manual is for system designers and programmers who use the Alpha 21264/
EV68A microprocessor (referred to as the 21264/EV68A).
This manual contains the following chapters and appendixes:
Chapter 1, Introduction, introduces the 21264/EV68A and provides an overview of the
Alpha architecture.
Chapter 2, Internal Architecture, describes the major hardware functions and the inter-
nal chip architecture. It describes performance measurement facilities, coding rules, and
design examples.
Chapter 3, Hardware Interface, lists and describes the internal hardware interface sig-
nals, and provides mechanical data and packaging information, including signal pin
Chapter 4, Cache and External Interfaces, describes the external bus functions and
transactions, lists bus commands, and describes the clock functions.
Chapter 5, Internal Processor Registers, lists and describes the internal processor regis-
ter set.
Chapter 6, Privileged Architecture Library Code, describes the privileged architecture
library code (PALcode).
Chapter 7, Initialization and Configuration, describes the initialization and configura-
tion sequence.
Chapter 8, Error Detection and Error Handling, describes error detection and error han-
Chapter 9, Electrical Data, provides electrical data and describes signal integrity issues.
Chapter 10, Thermal Management, provides information about thermal management.
Chapter 11, Testability and Diagnostics, describes chip and system testability features.
Appendix A, Alpha Instruction Set, summarizes the Alpha instruction set.
Appendix B, 21264/EV68A Boundary-Scan Register, presents the BSDL description
of the 21264/EV68A boundary-scan register.