If you haveany problems operatingyour generatorafter
readingthe manual, pleasecall the generator helpiine at
System Ground
Thegenerator hasa system ground that connectsthe
generatorframe components to the ground terminals on the
ACoutput receptacbs. Thesystem ground is connectedto
the ACneutral wire (the neutral is bonded to the generator
Special Requirements
Theremay be Federator StateOccupationalSafetyand
HealthAdministration (OSHA)regulations, local codes, or
ordinancesthat appiyto the intended useof the generator.
Pieaseconsult a quaiifbd eiectrician, electrical inspector, or
the local agency havingjurisdiction.
, Insome areas,generators are requiredto be registered
with iocai utiiity companies.
o If the generator is usedat a construction site, there may
be additional regulations which must be observed.
Cennecting te a Building's Electrical System
Connectionsfor standby power to a buiiding's electrical
system must be madeby a quaiified electrician. The
connection must isoiate the generator power from utiiity
power, and must comply with alI appficabb laws and
electrbaI codes.
3enerator produces hazardous voltage.
_¢ aiiure to isoiate generator from power utiiity can
result in death or injury to electric utility workers
due to backfeed of electricai energy.
• Wher_using generatorfor backuppower, notify utility company
Use approvedtralssferequipment to isolate generatorfrorn
electric utility
• Useaground fault circuit interrLipter(GFCI)in any damp or
highly conductive area,such as metaldeckingor steel work.
• DO NOTtouch barewires or receptacles
o DO NOTuse generatorwith ebetrical cordswhich areworn,
frayed bareor otherwisedamaged.
• DO NOToperate generatorin the rain orwet weather
• DO NOThandle generatoror ebctrica! cords while standing in
water, while barefoot,or while hands orfeet arewet
• DO NOTallow Lmqualifiedpersonsor children to operate or
Generater Lecatien
Generater Clearance
_,_5 Exhaustheat/gases can ignite combustibles,
structures or damagefuel tank causing a fire.
Keepatleast5 ft. (1.5rn)clearanceonall sidesof generator
Macegenerator outdoors in an areattsatwiii not accumuiate
deadiyexhaustgas. DONOTpiacegenerator whereexhaust
gas (A) couid accumulate and enter inside or be drawn into a
potentialiy occupied buiiding. Ensureexhaustgas is kept
away from anywindows, doors, ventiiation intakes, or other
openingsthat can ailow exhaustgasto coiiect in a confined
area. Prevaiiingwinds and air currents shouid be takeninto
consideration when positioning generator.
Using a generator indoors CAN KiLL YOU mNMINUTES,
Generator exhaust contains carbon monoxide, This is
a poison you cannot see or smell,
Only use OUTSIDE and
far away from windows,
doors, and vents,