
WARRANTY.................................... 2
SAFETYRULES ............................... 3-5
FEATURESAND CONTROLS....................... 6
ASSEMBLY................................... /-9
OPERATION................................ 1O-f3
SPECIFICATIONS............................... 14
MAINTENANCE.............................. 15-18
STORAGE .................................... 19
TROUBLESHOOTING............................ 20
NOTES .................................. 21 & 33
SCHEMATIC/WIRiNGDIAGRAM ................ 22-23
REPLACEMENTPARTS ....................... 24°32
ESPANOL.................................. 36°59
One-Year FuMMWarranty on Craftsman Generator
If this generator fails dueto a defectin materiai or workmanship within oneyear from the dateof purchase,return it to any
Searsstore, other Craftsmanoutlet, or Sears Parts & RepairCenter inthe United Statesfor free repair (or replacementif
repair proves impossible).
Additional One-YearLimitedWarranty on Craftsman Generator
Forthe second year from the dateof purchase,if any part ofthis generator faiis dueto a defect in material or workmanship, a
new part wiii be supplied free of charge. You must paythe labor cost if you wish to haveit installed.
Atiwarranty coverageappiiesfor only 90 days from date of purchase if this generator is usedfor commercial or rental
purposes. Oncea generatorhas experiencedcommercial or rental use, it shall thereafter be considered acommercial or rental
generatorfor the purpose of this warranty.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may atso haveother rights which vary from state to state.
Sears, Roebuck and Ca., D/817WA, Haffman Estates, _L60179 U.S.A.
© SearsBrands, LLC