readyforuseonlyafterit hasbeenproperlyservbedwiththe
generator,please call the generater heb]ine at
Unpacking the Generater
1. Setthe carton on a rigid fiat surface.
2. Removeeverything from carton exceptgenerator.
3. Opencarton completely by cutting eachcorner from top
to bottom.
4. Leavegenerator on carton to install wheel kit.
Carten Centents
CheckalIcontents against those listed below:
o Main unit
o Engineoii
o Operator's manuai
Wheel kit
o Adapter cord set
If any parts are missing or damaged,call the generator
helpline at 1=800=222=3136.
nstall Wheel Kit
NOTE:Wheelkit is not intended for over-the-road use. DO
NOTtow this unit with a motorized vehicte.
You wiii needthe following tools to install these
o 13ramwrench
o Socketwrench with a 13ram socket
o Pliers
o Safetygtasses
Install the Wheel }(it as Folbws:
1. Tip generatorso that engine end is up.
2. Slide axle (A) through both mounting brackets.
3. Placea wheel (B) on eachside as shown.
4. Macea washer (C)on axieand then placean e-ring (g)
in axlegroove.
5. InstalI e-ring with pliers, squeezingfrom top of e-ring to
bottom of axle.
E-rings cancause eyeinjury.
E-rings canspring back and becomeairborne
when installing or removing.
• Alwaysweareyeprotectionwheninstalling/removinge-rings
6. Repeatsteps 4 and 5 to secure second wheei.
7. Tip generatorso that engine side is down.
8. Line up holes in support leg (E) with holes in generator
9. Attach support ieg using two short capscrews (MS x
16 ram) (F) and two iocking hex nuts (G).Tighten with
a 13 mm socket and wrench.
10. Returngenerator to normat operating position (resting
on wheels and support leg).