
326 | VirtualAPs DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide
Parameter Description
Keys If you selected WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK authentication or a mixed authentication type that
supports pre-shared keys, enter and confirm the Hex Key or PSK passphrase in the PSK
Key/Passphrase and Confirm PSK Key/Passphrase fields.
l To define a hex key, enter a 64-character hexadecimal string.
l To define a PSK passphrase, enter san ASCII string 8-63 characters in length.
Next click the Format drop-down list and select Hex or PSK Passphrase to select the format for
the key or passphrase.
Advanced SSID Profile Settings
SSID Enable Click this checkbox to enable or disable the SSID. The SSID is enabled by default.
Encryption Select one of the following encryption types
xSec Encryption and tunneling of Layer-2 traffic between the controller and wired or wireless clients,
or between Dell controllers. To use xSec encryption, you must use a RADIUS authentication
server. For clients, you must install the Funk Odyssey client software.
Requires installation of the xSec license. For xSec between Dell controllers, you must install an
xSec license in each controller.
opensystem No authentication and encryption.
static-wep WEP with static keys.
dynamic-wep WEP with dynamic keys.
wpa-tkip WPA with TKIP encryption and dynamic keys using 802.1x.
wpa-aes WPA with AES encryption and dynamic keys using 802.1x.
wpa-psk-tkip WPA with TKIP encryption using a preshared key.
wpa-psk-aes WPA with AES encryption using a preshared key.
wpa2-aes WPA2 with AES encryption and dynamic keys using 802.1x.
wpa2-psk-aes WPA2 with AES encryption using a preshared key.
wpa2-psk-tkip WPA2 with TKIP encryption using a preshared key.
wpa2-tkip WPA2 with TKIP encryption and dynamic keys using 802.1x.
wpa2-aes-gcm-128 WPA2 with AES GCM-128 (Suite-b) encryption and dynamic keys
using 802.1X.
NOTE: This parameter requires the ACR license. For further information on Suite-B encryption,
see "Configuring an SSID for Suite-B Cryptography" on page 329.
wpa2-aes-gcm-256 WPA2 with AES GCM-256 (Suite-b) encryption and dynamic keys
using 802.1X.
NOTE: This parameter requires the ACR license. For further information on Suite-B encryption,
see "Configuring an SSID for Suite-B Cryptography" on page 329.
DTIM Interval Specifies the interval, in milliseconds, between the sending of Delivery Traffic Indication
Messages (DTIMs) in the beacon. This is the maximum number of beacon cycles before
unacknowledged network broadcasts are flushed. When using wireless clients that employ