
You can either create a new ACL or append specific rules to an exisiting ACLs. To create session ACL for the logon
role do the following:
(host) (config-role) #netdestination xCP #an alias for the external Captive Portal server
(host) (config-dest) #host #IP address of the external Captive Portal server
(host) (config-dest) #ip access-list session captiveportal #append or add rules to session
(host) (config-sess-captiveportal)#user alias xCP svc-https permit
(host) (config-sess-captiveportal)#user alias xCP svc-http permit
Creating an XML API Request
You can now create an XML request with an appropriate authentication command and send it to the controller via
HTTPS post. The format of the URL to send the XML request is:
l controller-ip is the IP address of the controller that will receive the authentication request
l command.xml is the XML request that contains the details of authentication.
The format of the XML API request is:
xml=<aruba command="<authentication_command>">
You can specify any of the following commands in the XML request:
Authentication Command Description
This command adds the user to the Dell controllers user table.
This command deletes the user from the controller
This command will authentication the user based on the authentication rules defined
in the Dell controllers configuration.
This command will block a user from connection to your network.
This command will display the current status of the user connected to your network.
Table 355:
XML API Authentication Command
The authentication command requires certain mandatory options to successfully execute the authentication tasks.
The list of all available options are:
Options Description Range / Defaults
ipaddr IP address of the user in A.B.C.D format.
macaddr MAC address of the user aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff format. Enter MAC address with colon.
user Name of the user. 64 character string
Table 356:
Authentication Command Options
DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide ExternalUser Management | 782