7755gg ((33oozz)) bbuutttteerr,, vveerryy ssoofftt
110000gg ((33½½oozz)) ccaasstteerr ssuuggaarr
11 ttsspp vvaanniillllaa eesssseennccee
aa mmeeddiiuumm eegggg,, bbe
iicciinngg ssuuggaarr
• Preheat oven to 170C/325F/M3
• Grease the tin and line the base
with a circle of baking parchment
• Peel, core and chop the apples,
place in the tin. Put the rest of the
ingredients into a bowl and using
the beaters at top speed, beat to a
smooth cream
• Pour the batter over the apples
and bake for 45 minutes on the
middle shelf
• Beat the topping ingredients
together and pour over the
semi-baked cake
• Return to the oven for a further 30
• Cool the cake in the tin for a
further 40 minutes.
Loosen sides with a knife and
gently shake out onto the cooling
rack lined with a piece of
parchment Leave to cool a little.
• Carefully turn the cake over onto a
serving plate, so the topping is
• Sprinkle with a little icing sugar
and serve with some softly
whipped whipping cream
This is an unusual cake which makes
a lovely dessert. The tartness of the
apples gives it a fresh and light
quality which is welcome at the end
of a good meal.
550000gg ((11 llbb)) ttaarrtt ccooookkiinngg aapppplleess BBrraammlleeyyss oorr GGrraannnnyy SSmmiitthhss
7755gg ((33oozz)) sseellff--rraaiissiinngg fflloouurr
11 lleev
veell ttsspp bbaakkiinngg ppoowwddeerr
112255gg ((44oozz)) ccaasstteerr ssuuggaarr
7755mmll ((22½½ ffll oozz)) mmiillkk
5500gg ((22oozz)) mmeelltteedd bbuutttteerr
22 mmeeddiiuumm
eeggggss,, bbeeaatteenn
ssoofftt bbuutttteerr ffoorr ggrreeaassiinngg ccaakkee ttiinn
YYoouu wwiillll nneeeedd aa ddeeeepp,, 2200ccmm ((88
iinncchh)) ccaakkee ttiinn,, aa ccoooolli
inngg rraacckk aanndd
bbaakkiinngg ppaarrcchhmmeenntt..