SWEET PASTRY (enough for two 8 inch tart cases)
• Add the flour and mix on medium
speed until the dough starts to
cling round the dough hooks in
large chunks
• Working in the coolest conditions
possible, tip the dough out onto a
counter and gather it up in your
hands, squeezing it gently to form
a smooth sausage shape, with no
cracks. Handle it lightly or it may
get oily. Chill for a couple of hours
in the fridge before rolling out
TToo mmaakkee aa ttaarrtt ccaassee
• Preheat oven to 160C/310F/M2-3.
Line the tin with pastry and trim
off the edges neatly. Bake the case
blind: line the pastry with baking
parchment or foil (larger than the
case so that it comes up the sides)
and fill with rice or baking beans.
Bake for 30 minutes
• Remove rice/beans and
parchment/foil and return to the
oven for a further 20 to 30
minutes at 170C/325F/M3 to dry
out – keep an eye on it as you do
not want it to turn dark brown.
Cool before filling with whipped
double cream and fresh fruit e.g.
strawberries, raspberries,
blueberries etc. Serve immediately
TToo mmaakkee iinnddiivviidduuaall ttaarrttlleettss oorr bbiissccuuiittss
• Preheat oven to 170C/325F/M3.
Grease a tartlet tray. For biscuits,
line a baking tray with baking
parchment. Cut the pastry into
circles with a cookie cutter, place
on the tray and bake for 7-10
minutes, or until dry. Sprinkle
biscuits with caster sugar as they
come out of the oven
Use to make tarts or tartlets to fill
with fresh summer fruits and cream,
or for making short vanilla biscuits.
makes 600g (1 lb 5oz)
220000gg// 77 oozz uunnssaalltteedd bbuutttteerr ccuubbeess
110000gg// 33½½ oozz ccaasstteerr s
22 ttbbsspp bbeeaatteenn eegggg
½½ ttsspp vvaanniillllaa oorr ddaarrkk rruumm
330000gg// 1111 oozz fflloouurr
• Use the dough hooks. The butter
should be a soft, almost melting
• In a medium sized bowl, using
medium to high speed, mix the
butter and sugar until creamy and
you can see the trail of the dough
• Add the egg and vanilla, beating
until the egg is fully incorporated