• The flat beaters (6b) or balloon
whisk (6c) can fit into either hole
• Insert the beaters one at a time
with a slight twisting action until
they snap into place
• Hold the handle (3) in one hand
and pull the the plug (5) until the
required cord length is reached.
DDoo nnoott ppuullll ffuurrtthheerr tthhaann tthhee rreedd
iinnddiiccaattoorr oonn tthhee ccoorrdd
• Plug the cord into a standard
electrical outlet
• Place ingredients into a bowl
• Select the speed setting that
matches your mixing task. See
page 7 for speed settings
• After you have finished mixing,
turn the speed control to
unplug the electric cord (5)
• Before handling the beaters,
dough hooks or balloon whisk (6),
ensure the mixer is unplugged
from the electrical outlet and the
speed control (2) switch is set to
the ‘0’ position
• Insert the beaters (6) by grasping
the handle (2) of the mixer with
one hand and the beater stem
with the other hand
• For the dough hooks (6a) ensure
you insert the correct dough hook
into the correct hole on the
underside (7) of the mixer.
Match the hook with the round
collar on the stem into the round
shaped hole on the right hand
side and the dough hook with the
hexagonal collar on the stem into
the hexagonal hole on the left
• The mixer should be stood on its
base (4) when not in use. There
are 4 rubber non-slip feet to keep
the mixer steady
• Raise the mixer head and press
down on the beater ejector
button (1) to eject the beaters (6).
TThhee ssppeeeedd ccoonnttrrooll ((22)) mmuusstt bbee sseett
ttoo ‘‘00’’ ttoo rreelleeaassee ttoo bbeeaatteerrss
• Do not strike beaters (6) on the
rim of bowls, especially glass
To remove any excess ingredients
off the beaters (6), use a rubber or
plastic spatula to scrape off.