BACnet Communications - UPS Systems
313 Liebert
Modbus/BACnet IP
DC Bus Current
The current at the battery input terminals. In charging mode, the
current will be a positive value. In discharging mode, the current will
be a negative value
Frame Capacity
Total system capacity supported when the maximum number of
power modules are installed.
Frame Fan Fault The frame top outlet fan has failed.
Inverter On/Off State inverter on/off state
Inverter Shutdown - Overload The inverter has shutdown due to a sustained overload
Inverter Status
Status of the inverter output. Active means the inverter is online with
regulated output voltage and ready to power the load. Inactive
means the inverter is offline and not ready to power the load.
Loss of Redundancy
The system has an insufficient number of power modules to provide
Low Battery - Shutdown Imminent
If active and guaranteed shutdown is enabled, a low battery reserve
condition exists that will shutdown the UPS.
Low Battery Warning Time
When battery time remaining falls to, or below, this value the low
battery alarm is activated.
Manual Battery Test Command to initiate a manual battery test.
Maximum Load Alarm Limit
Maximum load [VA] supportable without a 'Maximum Load Alarm'
Maximum Load Alarm Maximum load alarm indicating load setting has been exceeded.
Module Operating Status The operating status for this Battery Module.
Module Operating Status The operating status for this Bypass Control Module.
Module Operating Status The operating status for this Charger Module.
Module Operating Status The operating status for this Power Module.
No Load Warning Current Threshold
If the output current is below this number of amps for a period of [No
Load Warning Delay] time, the [No Load Warning] will become
No Load Warning Delay
If the output current is below the [No Load Warning Current
Threshold] number of amps for this period of time, the [No Load
Warning] will become active.
No Load Warning
Indicates the UPS has output voltage but the output current is below
a set threshold [No Load Warning Current Threshold] for a set period
of time [No Load Warning Delay].
Number of Active Battery Strings The total number of active battery strings.
Number Of Active Power Modules The total number of active power modules.
Number of Battery Strings With Warnings The total number of battery strings with warnings.
Number of Discharge Cycles
The highest number of battery discharge cycles among all installed
Battery Modules.
Number of Discharge Cycles
The total number of battery discharge cycles for the Battery Module
since it was made.
Number of EBC Installed The total number of Extended Battery Cabinets installed.
Number of Failed Battery Strings The total number of failed battery strings.
Number Of Failed Power Modules The total number of failed power modules.
Number of Installed Battery Strings The total number of battery strings installed.
Number of Installed Power Modules The total number of Power Modules installed.
Number Of Power Modules With Warnings The total number of power modules with warnings.
Number Of Transfers To Bypass
The total number of transfers to bypass from inverter since system
Table 105 Liebert APS
- Glossary (continued)
Data Label Data Description