Modbus 485 and Modbus IP Protocols - Thermal Management Products
Modbus/BACnet IP 74
Pump Hours Exceeded [Pump Hours] has exceeded [Pump Hours Threshold].
Pump Hours Threshold Threshold value used in the [Pump Hours Exceeded] event.
Pump Hours Operating hours for pump since last reset of this value.
Pump Short Cycle
Pumps have short cycled. A short cycle is defined as turning on and off a number of
times over a set time period.
RAM Battery Issue RAM or RAM backup battery is not operating correctly.
Remote Shutdown Unit is shut down by a remote signal.
Sensor Issue - Event Control
Enable/disable the activation of the [Sensor Issue] event. If set to 'disabled', the
event will not be annunciated. This implies that the event will not be placed in any
active event list or in any event history list.
Sensor Issue - Event Type The event type for the [Sensor Issue] event.
Sensor Issue One or more sensors are disconnected or the signals are out of range.
Sensor Temperature Temperature as measured by sensor.
Service Required Unit requires servicing.
Shutdown - Loss Of Power
System lost power. This event becomes active when the unit is powered on
following an unexpected loss of power.
Smoke Detected Smoke detected.
Supply Chilled Water Over Temp
Threshold value used in the [Supply Chilled Water Over Temp] event.
Supply Chilled Water Over Temp Chilled water temperature is too high, as indicated by an external input signal.
Supply Chilled Water Temp Sensor
The supply chilled water temperature sensor is disconnected or the signal is out of
Supply Chilled Water Temperature Supply chilled water temperature.
Supply Refrig Over Temp Threshold Threshold value used in the [Supply Refrigerant Over Temp] event.
Supply Refrigerant Over Temp
Event that is activated when [Supply Refrigerant Temperature] exceeds [Supply
Refrig Over Temp Threshold]. The event is deactivated when the temperature drops
below the threshold.
Supply Refrigerant Temp Sensor
The supply refrigeramt temperature sensor is disconnected or the signal is out of
Supply Refrigerant Temperature Supply refrigerant temperature.
Supply Refrigerant Under Temp [Supply Refrigerant Temperature] has dropped below a specified threshold.
System Condensation Detected System condensation detected.
System Control Mode System control mode.
System Date and Time The system date and time
System On/Off Control Turn system functionality on or off.
System Operating State Reason The reason the system is in the current operating state.
System Operating State Current operating state of the system.
System Status The operating status for the system
Unit Code Missing Unit code has not been entered and saved.
Unit Communication Lost Master has lost communication with one or more networked units.
Unit Off Unit was turned off.
Unit On Unit was turned on.
Unit Partial Shutdown
An event has occurred requiring some system components to be shutdown and
Unit Shutdown
An event has occurred requiring the unit to be shutdown and disabled to prevent
damage to the system.
Unit Standby Unit was placed in standby mode.
Visual ID Control
Visual identification control to display an LED flashing sequence, allowing it to be
visually located.
Water Under Floor Water under the floor is detected.
Table 22 Liebert XDP
- Glossary (continued)
Data Label Data Description