Modbus 485 and Modbus IP Protocols - Thermal Management Products
37 Liebert
Modbus/BACnet IP
Supply Air Temperature Sensor
Control mode to be used with the supply air temperature sensor.
Supply Air Temperature Set Point Desired supply air temperature.
Supply Air Temperature Air temperature measured at the outlet of the unit.
Supply Air Under Temp Threshold Threshold value used in the [Supply Air Under Temperature] event.
Supply Air Under Temperature Supply air low temperature event.
Supply Chilled Water Loss of Flow Supply chilled water flow is too low.
Supply Chilled Water Over Temp Chilled water temperature is too high, as indicated by an external input signal.
System Control Mode System control mode.
System Date and Time The system date and time
System Event Acknowledge/Reset Reset and/or acknowledge all events.
System Input RMS A-N The System Input RMS Voltage between Phase A and Neutral
System Input RMS B-N The System Input RMS Voltage between Phase B and Neutral
System Input RMS C-N The System Input RMS Voltage between Phase C and Neutral
System Input RMS Current Phase
The system input RMS current for Phase A
System Input RMS Current Phase
The system input RMS current for Phase B
System Input RMS Current Phase
The system input RMS current for Phase C
System On/Off Control Turn system functionality on or off.
System Operating State Reason The reason the system is in the current operating state.
System Operating State Current operating state of the system.
System Static Pressure
Static pressure measurement among a group of interconnected units in a single
System Status The operating status for the system
Temperature Control Sensor Issue
The air sensor selected for cooling control is disconnected or the signal is out of
Today's High Air Temperature Time [Today's High Air Temperature] was measured at this time.
Today's High Air Temperature The highest external air temperature measured since midnight.
Today's High Humidity Time [Today's High Humidity] was measured at this time
Today's High Humidity The highest external humidity measured since midnight.
Today's Low Air Temperature Time [Today's Low Air Temperature] was measured at this time.
Today's Low Air Temperature The lowest external air temperature measured since midnight.
Today's Low Humidity Time [Today's Low Humidity] was measured at this time
Today's Low Humidity The lowest external humidity measured since midnight.
Unit Code Missing Unit code has not been entered and saved.
Unit Communication Lost Master has lost communication with one or more networked units.
Unit Cooling Load The total amount of heat energy currently being removed by the unit.
Unit Off Unit was turned off.
Unit On Unit was turned on.
Unit Partial Shutdown
An event has occurred requiring some system components to be shutdown and
Table 10 Liebert Challenger 3000
, Liebert Challenger ITR
, Liebert CW
, Liebert Deluxe System/3
Liebert DS
, Liebert DSE
, Liebert HPM
, Liebert PeX
- Glossary (continued)
Controller Liebert iCOM
Data Label Data Description