7. Vector Charts
How to interpret the chart viewing date window
• RENC edt / upd: The chart's edition and its update in an RENC appear here. The information is based on the last-
ordered Product List.
• SENC edt / upd: The chart's edition and its update in the chart radar appear here.
• If a chart is not available in an RENC but it is in the chart radar the RENC edt/upd shows " -/ -".
• If a chart in the chart radar is newer than the associated chart in an RENC, for example, the Chart viewing date
window the RENC edt/upd field shows "2/ 8" and the SENC edt/ upd field shows "2/ 9".
• Chart Displayed and Approved Until are set based on Updates number (Updates Displayed and Approved until
as NVLD (Not Valid) indication).
• If a chart in the chart radar is older than the associated chart in RENC, for example, the RENC edt/upd field
shows "1/ 21" and the SENC edt/ upd field shows "1/ 0".
7.6.3 How to find up-to-date status of an RENC product list
The chart radar periodically checks for the last time you ordered the Product List from an RENC. If the Product List
is more than 30 days old, the chart radar displays the S57 Message shown below:
To check the date when you last ordered the Product List of an RENC CD ROM, choose Set Chart viewing dates
from the Chart menu. The date the Product List was last ordered is shown at the lower left corner of the Chart
viewing dates window.