19. Parameters Setup
19.1.2 How to select datum
Datum is used to choose between different models of the earth. It is essential that
you use Datum in a consistent way.
If you use paper charts together with electronic chart material, it is recommended
that you use the same datum as your current paper chart to avoid misalignment
between your electronic system and points taken or plotted on your current paper
Once you have chosen a datum, all numerical latitude-longitude position values are
presented in your chosen datum.
To choose datum do the following:
1. Put the cursor on the datum indication at the upper right corner of the display.
2. Spin the scrollwheel to choose appropriate datum then push the scrollwheel.
19.1.3 Navigation parameters setting
The purpose of navigation parameters is set the basic parameters for the ship. These parameters are relative to ship
steering and they are very important to get correct function of the integrated navigation system. They must be
maintained carefully. Modification requires a good knowledge of the parameters’ importance.
In order to edit Ship and Route parameters, do the following:
1. Open the menu and choose the Initial Settings dialog box.
2. Put the cursor on the triangle mark, choose Navigation parameters then push the scrollwheel.
3. Choose Ship and Route parameters from the menu then push the scrollwheel.
Ship parameters
MAX speed: Maximum speed the ship can do.
MAX height: Max. height of ship above sea level.
MAX draught: Max. draught of ship.
GYRO correction
Source: Choose method of gyro error correction, auto,
manual or off.
SPD/LAT CORR.: Select On or Off.
MAX CORR.: Enter max. value for correction
MAN CORR.: Enter value for manual gyro correction.
Route parameters
MAX ROT.: Set the maximum rate of turn of the ship.
WPT approach: Set the alert time before approaching the
wheel over point.
Drift compensation: Turn drift compensation on or off.