15. Navigation Sensors
Tx: Normal
Rx: Normal
Tx, Rx:
No arc appears when
attenuation is 10dB.
Replace magnetron.
13.5 to
18.5 nm
13.5 to
18.5 nm
Display State
2.28 Performance Monitor
A performance monitor, incorporated in the antenna unit, is required for a radar installed on vessels of 300 GT and
upward engaged in international voyages. Two units are available:
• X-band radar PM-31 (9410 ± 45 MHz)
• S-band radar PM-51 (3050 ± 30 MHz)
How to activate, deactivate the performance monitor
1. Use the trackball to select the MENU box then push the left button.
2. Spin the scrollwheel to select Echo then push the scrollwheel.
Go Back
2nd Echo Rej
Tune Initialize
Echo menu
3. Spin the scrollwheel to select PM then push the scrollwheel. Check to activate, uncheck to deactivate.
"PM" appears on the display when the performance monitor is active.
How to check radar performance
1. The radar is automatically set up as follows:
Range: 24 nm
Pulse Length: Long
Blind Sector: Off
A/C Sea: Off
A/C Rain: Off
Echo Stretch: Off
Echo Average: Off
Video Contrast: B1
Tune: Auto
Gain: Initial setting (as set with PM GAIN ADJ at installation)
2. Turn on the performance monitor referring to procedure shown above.
3. After observing the results turn off the performance monitor.
The range scale is automatically set to 24 nm. The radar
screen will show one or two arcs. If the radar transmitter and
receiver are in good working order in as much as the original
state when the monitor was turned on, the innermost arc
should appear between 13.5 and 18.5 nm. The performance
monitor can observe a total of 10 dB loss in transmitter and
Note: The lengths and location of the arcs may vary
according to the direction in which the antenna unit is
installed. Judge the strength of the echo that appears within
60° from arc location to confirm if the radar is working
properly or not.