5.9 Login Displays
You can display four logs: Registration log, Voice call log, Data connection log, and
Event log. When the storage capacity of a log is reached, the oldest entries are erased
in order.
Note 1: The voice and data communication values shown on the terminal display and
within terminal logs are for indicative purposes only. These values should not be uti-
lized for billing or billing comparison purposes.
Note 2: The latest 100 entries for any log are shown. To view all the entries of a log,
save the log to a CSV file. A log stores up to 1000 entries.
A log can be forwarded to a PC that has the syslog application.
5.9.1 How to login to a log with password
Do the following to login to a log with a password.
1. Click the [admin login] button to show the login window.
2. Enter "Log" in the Username box and "01234567" in the Password box.
"01234567" is the default password. To change the password, see section 6.1.7.
3. Click the [Login] button. “Log” appears in the menu bar. The button name changes
from [login] to [logout].
4. To log out, click the [admin logout] button. Log disappears from the menu bar. The
button name changes from [logout] to [login].
Note: Automatic logout is possible by closing your Web browser.
Log Capacity for entries No. of entries displayable
Registration 1000 for each log 100 entries for each log
Voice call
Data connection